Tansect Consulting Provides Customers A 2,200% Return On Consulting Fees

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TANSECT Press Release
Tansect Consulting Provides Customers A 2,200% Return On Consulting Fees

For Immediate Release: 2022-02-19

(United States) - The numbers are in! As 2022 concluded Tansect was able to validate the "hard" savings that its consulting generated for its customers. In 2022, Tansect Consulting provided an estimated 2,200% return on the consulting fees paid by its clients.

When evaluating the opportunities recognized by its customers the cost savings are believed to be generated through Tansect recommended process improvements, network optimizations, labor reductions and/or reassignments, fleet and mileage reductions, improved carrier bids, streamlined inventories and improved inventory management processes.

Additional information can be found at the company's website (www.tansect.com).

Media Inquiry: media@tansect.com

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